Monday, June 1, 2009


Antibiotics. Avoid unnecessary antibiotics and antibiotic soaps. The more kids use antibiotics, the more likely they are to get sick, with longer, more stubborn infections caused by more resistant organisms.

Breastfeeding. Breast milk is known to protect against gastrointestinal tract infection, otitis media (ear infection), invasive Haemophilus influenzae type B infection (which can cause meningitis, pneumonia, and inner ear infections), and infections of the upper and lower respiratory tracts—even for years after the breastfeeding is done. Kids who didn’t breastfeed average five times more ear infections.

Cigarette smoke. Keep your child as far away from it as possible! Exposure to second-hand smoke is responsible for many health problems, including more than 2 million unnecessary ear infections each year in the United States.

Sleep. Late bedtimes and poor sleep leave children vulnerable.
Vaccines. Prevnar and the flu vaccine are particularly helpful for protecting children from common infections in daycare.

Water. Plenty of fluids support immune function.

Xylito. This is a natural, nonsugar sweetener (found in raspberries and plums) that has been proven to prevent ear infections, sinus infections, and tooth decay. It is available as chewing gum, mints, and in powder form.

Yogurt. The beneficial bacteria in active culture yogurt can help prevent tummy aches, diarrhea, food poisoning, food allergies, eczema, sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and colds—among other things.

Zinc. Good nutrition (plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and supplements where the diet is not adequate) is a foundation for good health. Lack of zinc is the most likely to result in increased infections. A multivitamin is a good safety net.

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